Terms & Conditions


These Contractual Conditions are applicable to the provision of services and delivery of goods described here and offered by Secutech365, (hereinafter, SECUTECH365), Company Number 15225665 and whose registered office is 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, to natural and legal persons (hereinafter THE CUSTOMER) who express the desire to contract the services described in these contractual conditions.

Acceptance of these General Conditions implies the creation of a contract between SECUTECH365 and THE CUSTOMER, the latter confirming having sufficient and full legal capacity to conclude said contract.


By accepting this contract, it is agreed that SECUTECH365 will provide the services and/or delivery of goods contracted by THE CUSTOMER, among those described below, and THE CUSTOMER will bear the costs described for each of them:

❖Installation, configuration, and initial cleaning.

This service is provided and mandatory prior to the remote technical assistance service and security solutions for devices connected to the Internet and the “Computer network encryption” service and includes:

  • Carrying out a professional system test to identify and eliminate potentially malicious files and operational irregularities, as well as repairing them.
  • Installation and configuration of software licenses included in the contracted service.
  • System configuration and optimization.

This service will be billed at the following rates, according to the currency in force in the CUSTOMER’s country of residence:

145 145 145 145 145 210 999 999 999 12300

The costs mentioned above do not include value-added tax (VAT) or the equivalent indirect tax, which will be applied as the contract progresses in accordance with the regulations applicable in the country of residence of the CUSTOMER.

These taxes will be paid by THE CUSTOMER in advance unless otherwise agreed.

Remote technical service and security solutions for Internet-connected devices.

This service will include the services described below, depending on the type of package purchased:

SILVER Package:

  • Remote assistance or technical assistance with the following specifications:
    • Opening hours Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    • 5 hours per month of technical team service.
    • Response the same day as the request.
  • Antivirus security software is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 software for client computer backup is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 safe navigation trial for 30 days.

This service will be invoiced at the following rates, depending on the currency in force in the CUSTOMER’s country of residence and the duration of the contract:

6 249 249 249 249 249 362 1640 2000 2000 24900
15 449 449 449 449 449 652 3300 4000 4000 49700
36 649 649 649 649 649 942 4700 6000 6000 37400

❖GOLD Package:

  • Remote assistance or technical assistance with the following specifications:
    • Opening hours Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    • 7 hours per month of technical team service.
    • Response within 5 hours of receipt of request.
  • Antivirus security software is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 software for client computer backup is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 Safe Navigation trial for 30 days.
  • The subscription can be transferred to another device.
  • Update guarantee.
  • General review of cyber security and client computer performance each year.
  • Updates and annual PC maintenance.

This service will be invoiced at the following rates, depending on the currency in force in the CUSTOMER’s country of residence and the duration of the contract:

6 349 349 349 349 349 507 2400 3000 3000 37100
15 549 549 549 549 549 797 4600 6000 6000 74700
36 749 749 749 749 749 1087 7200 9000 9000 108400


  • Remote assistance or technical assistance with the following specifications:
    • Opening hours Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
    • 10 hours per month of technical team service.
    • Response within 3 hours of receipt of the request.
  • Antivirus security software is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 software for client computer backup is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 Safe Navigation trial for 30 days.
  • The subscription can be transferred to another device.
  • Update guarantee.
  • General review of cyber security and client computer performance every semester.

This service will be invoiced at the following rates, depending on the currency in force in the CUSTOMER’s country of residence and the duration of the contract:

6 549 549 549 549 549 797 2400 3000 3000 37100
15 749 749 749 749 749 1087 4600 6000 6000 74700
36 949 949 949 949 949 1377 7200 9000 9000 108400


  • Remote assistance or technical assistance with the following specifications:
    • Opening hours are Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Unlimited hours per month of technical team service.
    • Immediate response following receipt of the request.
  • Antivirus security software is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 software for client computer backup is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 Safe Navigation trial for 30 days.
  • The subscription can be transferred to another device.
  • Update guarantee.
  • General review of cyber security and client computer performance every quarter.
  • Dedicated experts put in contact with the client at each request from the latter.

This service will be invoiced at the following rates, depending on the currency in force in the CUSTOMER’s country of residence and the duration of the contract:

6 749 749 749 749 749 1087 2400 3000 3000 37100
15 949 949 949 949 949 1377 4600 6000 6000 74700
36 1149 1149 1149 1149 1149 1668 7200 9000 9000 108400

Factors common to all the support plans described:

The fees listed for each plan include the price of installation, setup, and initial cleanup.

The fees described for each plan do not include value-added tax (VAT) or equivalent indirect tax, which will be applied as the contract progresses and in accordance with the applicable legislation in the country of residence client.

Fees will be payable in advance unless otherwise agreed with THE CUSTOMER. Secutech365 may use its discretion to allow the CLIENT to pay the costs in several installments, the number and amount of which will depend on the total price of the contracted service. In this case, a recurring monthly payment will be set up until the total amount of the contracted service is paid according to a payment schedule indicated by SECUTECH365 within the contract. In this premise, and in the event that THE CUSTOMER does not make one or more payments on the agreed due date, the support plan initially contracted may be downgraded, in nature and/or duration, into a support plan less expensive and consistent with payment by THE CUSTOMER of all fees to date in accordance with the fee schedule described above.

THE CUSTOMER may improve the duration and/or type of their contracted support plan by paying the difference between the contracted plan and the new plan.

CUSTOMER can choose to include up to 10 devices by paying double the price of the selected support plan.

The support service will be automatically renewed once the subscription ends.

During the term of the contract, any software used in the provision of the services described above may be replaced by another performing the same function and having similar characteristics.

It is specified that the SECUTECH365 technical team will only be able to provide assistance and support to the CUSTOMER based on problems related to the software present on the CUSTOMER’s devices, but not for those related to hardware or hardware elements, for which it will only be able to provide recommendations or a potential assessment of their function.

❖“EXPERT AT HOME” service

This service will include the features described below:

  • Remote assistance or technical assistance with the following specifications:
    • Opening hours are Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Unlimited hours per month of technical team service.
    • Immediate response following receipt of the request.
  • Antivirus security software is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 software for client computer backup is included for the subscription period.
  • Secutech365 Safe Navigation trial for 30 days.
  • The subscription can be transferred to another device.
  • Update guarantee.
  • General review of cyber security and client computer performance every quarter.
  • Dedicated experts put in contact with the client at each request from the latter.
  • VIP treatment: Preferential implementation of updates and special offers.
  • Encryption of data traffic service.

This service will be billed at the following rates, according to the currency in force in the CUSTOMER’s country of residence:

1 799 847 697 756 1160 4591 7421 7421
2 1599 1695 1393 1512 2322 8800 13600 13400
3 1999 2119 1742 1890 2903 12000 18600 17500

The prices above include the cost of installation, setup, and initial cleaning.

The costs described above do not include value-added tax (VAT) or the equivalent indirect tax, which will be applied as the contract progresses in accordance with the legislation applicable in the country of residence of the CUSTOMER.

Fees will be payable in advance unless otherwise agreed with THE CUSTOMER. SECUTECH365 may use its discretion to allow the CUSTOMER to pay the costs in several installments, the number and amount of which will depend on the total price of the contracted service. In this case, a recurring monthly payment will be set up until the total amount of the contracted service is paid according to a payment schedule indicated by SECUTECH365 within the contract. In this premise, and in the event that THE CUSTOMER does not make one or more payments on the agreed due date, the support plan initially contracted may be downgraded, in nature and/or duration, into a support plan less expensive and consistent with payment by THE CUSTOMER of all fees to date in accordance with the fee schedule described above.

THE CUSTOMER can improve the duration and/or type of their subscribed support plan by paying the difference between the subscribed subscription and the new subscription.

This service will last for one, two or three years, depending on the duration of the contract.

Once the one-year subscription has ended, it will be tacitly renewed for periods of one year unless, before the renewal date, THE CUSTOMER declares that they do not wish to renew it.

During the term of the contract, any software used in the provision of the services described above may be replaced by another performing the same function and having similar characteristics.

It is specified that the SECUTECH365 technical team will only be able to provide assistance and support to the CUSTOMER based on problems related to the software present on the CUSTOMER’s devices, but not for those related to hardware or hardware elements, for which it will only be able to provide recommendations or a potential assessment of their function.

Refer a friend promotional campaign

The “Refer a Friend” promotion consists of THE CUSTOMER being refunded the entire amount invested in one of our products or services, provided that at least 3 friends have purchased a product or service using their code which is equal to or greater than the cost of that purchased by THE CUSTOMER. Friends referred by THE CUSTOMER will benefit from a 30% discount on the purchase of their products or services.

THE CUSTOMER will receive the amount paid for their purchase by bank transfer.

Once benefiting from the promotion, THE CUSTOMER will be required to repay the amount received as a refund in the event that one of the sponsored friends returns or cancels their purchase.


In order to respect the contract previously described, the parties will undertake to respect the following accessory or complementary obligations:

SECUTECH365 undertakes to:

  • Sending of the invoice issued for the services or goods contracted and the contractual conditions accepted by THE CUSTOMER by email to the address provided by THE CUSTOMER, as well as any modifications to these contractual conditions or the offer applied. In this regard, THE CUSTOMER agrees to receive by email the invoice for the contracted service, in accordance with article 9.2 of Royal Decree 1619/2012 of November 30, by which the regulation is approved and by which the invoicing obligations are regulated. .
  • Inform THE CUSTOMER of any problem arising from payment for the contracted service as soon as it becomes known.
  • Provide contracted services efficiently and diligently.
  • Do not make inappropriate use of the data consulted during the provision of the contracted service.

THE CUSTOMER undertakes to:

  • Resolve, within 24 hours, any problem concerning the payment of the service with your bank or the payment method used, bearing the legal costs, fees and interest that could be generated by the default or late payment.
  • With the prior authorization of the CUSTOMER, grant SECUTECH365 personnel any access necessary to enable SECUTECH365 to provide the contracted service, remote access to its systems and equipment and, therefore, to the information contained therein.
  • Strictly follow the instructions provided for the proper provision of the service by the SECUTECH365 team. The services provided require the installation and implementation of tools in the CUSTOMER’s systems, for which SECUTECH365 staff will need the collaboration of the CUSTOMER to correctly carry out the provision of the service.
  • Accept the general conditions of use of software and/or hardware that require installation in the equipment as part of the SECUTECH365 service, or allow SECUTECH365 personnel to accept them remotely on their behalf.
  • Do not use the subscribed service for any inappropriate, fraudulent or illegal practice.
  • Keep your contact details at SECUTECH365 up to date for the duration of the contract, communicating any changes thereto.


Right of waiver and reimbursement

THE CUSTOMER will have the right to cancel the contract, without justified reason, within 14 calendar days from the date of acceptance of the contract and the start of the supply of the good or service contracted. To do this, use the form available for this purpose on the SECUTECH365 website (www.secutech365.com), must be completed and returned.

If during the term of the contract concluded by THE CUSTOMER it is necessary to return any type of material, this must be sent by THE CUSTOMER, who will be responsible for the shipping costs, to the address provided by SECUTECH365. .

The resulting refund to the CUSTOMER will be processed within 14 calendar days from the day of receipt of the refund request or, where applicable, from the date of receipt of the returned material by SECUTECH365.

The following fees are non-refundable:

  • The total cost of the installation, configuration and initial cleaning service, if this was provided before the waiver and refund request.
  • The total cost of the proportion of time elapsed and used between the start of the contract and the request for exemption. In this sense, it will be the time elapsed and the time during which THE CUSTOMER would have had access to the assistance service, whether he or she used it or not.

When assessing the CUSTOMER’s right to a refund, no reduction will be taken into account that would have been applicable in the event of subscribing to an assistance plan lasting more than 6 months. Consequently, for the purposes of this calculation, the monthly value of the package ultimately subscribed to by THE CUSTOMER will apply and not the package initially contracted.

Termination and cancellation of the contract:

Either party may request termination of the contract in the event of non-compliance with any of the obligations stipulated in this document by the other party. THE CUSTOMER may initiate termination of the contract by completing and sending the form available for this purpose on the SECUTECH365 website (www.secutech365.com).

Using this form, THE CUSTOMER can express their wish not to renew subscriptions with automatic renewal once the current subscription has ended.

THE CUSTOMER may cancel their subscription at any time; namely that it will neither be refunded nor credited for amounts already invoiced.

In the event of non-compliance by THE CLIENT, termination may be proposed by SECUTECH365 by email to the address indicated by THE CLIENT in the contract.

Suspension of service

SECUTECH365 may, at its discretion, temporarily suspend the encryption service (VPN service) if inactivity in the use of the service is detected for a continuous period of at least 40 days. In the event of such suspension, THE CUSTOMER may contact SECUTECH365 at any time to reactivate the service, provided that their contract remains in force.


This contract will be perfected upon payment of the price by THE CUSTOMER, its validity, and therefore the deployment of its effects, is conditional on full payment of the price by THE CUSTOMER.


SECUTECH365 will not be responsible for any damage that may occur to the CUSTOMER’s equipment as a result of not having sufficiently or correctly followed the instructions provided by the technical staff of SECUTECH365, or due to any deficiency in the provision of the service which is due to external causes not attributable to SECUTECH365, such as power cuts, interruptions of internet connections, failures of the CUSTOMER’s equipment, interruptions of remote software connections, etc.

They will also not be responsible for any interruptions in services caused by SECUTECH365 subcontractors, who will endeavor to remedy them as quickly as possible or, where applicable, to replace them with similar services.


THE CUSTOMER consents to SECUTECH365 processing their personal data in accordance with the specific purposes described in the privacy policy available on the site www.secutech365.com, including for the purposes of the execution of this contract.

THE CUSTOMER has a right of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation of processing, and portability in accordance with the terms provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the Parliament European and Council of April 27, 2016). relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data) and its development regulations. To exercise one of these rights, THE CUSTOMER must send their request via the online form available for this purpose on the site www.secutech365.com, attaching to this request a photocopy of their national identity document.


SECUTECH365 reserves the right to transfer the rights and obligations arising from the Contract to the natural or legal person it deems appropriate, assuming all rights and obligations arising therefrom, it must nevertheless communicate this point to the CUSTOMER.

THE CUSTOMER may not assign or transfer the rights and obligations derived from this Agreement without the prior written consent of SECUTECH365.


All communications and notifications to be made between the contracting parties relating to modifications to this contract will be made by electronic mail.

In particular, THE CLIENT will communicate with SECUTECH365 on this subject by completing and sending the form available for this purpose on the SECUTECH365 website (www.secutech365.com). SECUTECH365 will send its communications to the email address provided by THE CUSTOMER during the contracting process.

An online complaints and claims form is available to THE CUSTOMER on the website and a paper copy of the form is available at the SECUTECH365 offices located at:

  • Ctra. Nacional 340, km 189, Edif. Los Pinos number. 3. Marbella, Malaga, Spain, postal code 29.660.
  • Avenida Isabel Manoja number 3, Edificio las Dalias, segunda planta, Torremolinos, Málaga, Spain. Postcode 29.620.



These contractual conditions are governed by DIRECTIVE 2011/83/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of October 25, 2011, on consumer rights, amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 85/577/EEC and Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

British law. The Courts of LONDON will have jurisdiction to hear any dispute submitted to it and arising from this contract unless another jurisdiction applies preferentially due to a legal provision.

In the event of a dispute that may arise in connection with the execution of this contract, the parties agree that they will endeavor to reach an amicable agreement in good faith before resorting to any other means of conflict resolution.